About this site.

Because every site needs an about page!

This site was built using Jekyll hosted in Github pages. Using multiple guides and documents to get everything running mainly Github docs on Github pages and a Github pages guide from Jonathan Mcglone.

I wanted to build this site to present my work history, accomplishments, and ability to work in fullstack development. I decided and used Jekyll to build my website since it satisfied my goals and scope; to present my abilities as well as keeping the code organized and clean. The site theme and design I chose is called Hyde keeping everything minimalist for presentation!

This site will evolve overtime as I gain experience and start more projects!

About me.

A small blurb about me!

If you've seen my résumé then it's indeed true that I graduated from Seneca in 2019. I currently am looking for opportunities to further gain experience and to work in a team environment with industry professionals.

In a team environment I like to think of myself as a solid member able to support whenever I can. In previous group assignments, I was always able to deliver my tasks and afterwards able to assist the team leader or any team members needing help on work. I believe that being in a group or team everyone has a role to play with my role being the one that assists the most.

A few hobbies of mine that I like to spend on weekends are gaming and planning for Dungeons & Dragons. When I have chance I like to build PCs as well. Currently learning how to make games in the Godot Engine.